Recent posts that showcase the work of our faculty.

UCLA California Center for Population Research Commemorates Its 20th Anniversary
Alumni, Faculty, Knowledge, News On October 11-12, 2018, the California Center for Population Research (CCPR) commemorated its 20th anniversary. Its first session on Thursday engaged population research in Los Angeles on families and neighborhoods, schools, eviction and…

UCLA Professor Frasure-Yokley Discusses Her Electoral Research on MSNBC — Watch Video Here
Faculty, Knowledge, News, Students On October 8, UCLA Professor Lorrie Frasure-Yokley and UCLA LPPI policy fellow Celina Avalos were interviewed by MSNBC reporter Katy Tur. Check out the video HERE. Learn more about the Collaborative Multiracial Post-Election Survey (CMPS)…

UCLA Professor Menjivar Scheduled to Speak at DWC Congressional Briefing on 10/11
Faculty, Knowledge, NewsOn October 11, Professor Cecilia Menjivar will discuss asylum protections for immigrant women fleeing violence at this congressional briefing organized by the American Society of Criminology's Division on Women and Crime (DWC). For more information,…

Celebrating Reverend Lawson’s Enduring Contributions at UCLA
Faculty, Knowledge, News, Staff By Kent Wong Director, UCLA Labor Center Rev. James Lawson Jr., a nationally known and celebrated leader of the civil rights movement, turned ninety years old on September 22. The UCLA community has been very fortunate to have Rev.…

A Case for Teaching Critical Media Literacy
Faculty, KnowledgeBy Rhonda Hammer, Lecturer, UCLA Department of Gender Studies We are in the midst of a Digital Revolution that many scholars find comparable in scope to the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries, which transformed the Western…

Storytelling For Self and Community Healing – UCLA Event Tomorrow 9/27
Community Partners, Faculty, News A Conversation with Dr. Beth Ribet, Co-Director and Co-Founder of Repair and UCLA Lecturer in Gender Studies and Disability Studies By Lara Drasin TOMORROW, September 27, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM in UCLA’s Young Research Library conference…

LA Social Science Presents “Conversations with Changemakers” Featuring Dr. Karen Umemoto
Alumni, Faculty, Knowledge Dr. Karen Umemoto is a professor in the Department of Asian American Studies and the Luskin School. She is also a UCLA alum, who has some big plans as the new Helen and Morgan Chu Endowed Director’s Chair of the UCLA Asian American Studies…

UCLA Faculty and Alumni Discuss the Past and Present Politicization of the US Census
Alumni, Challenges, Faculty Comparative historical sociologists, Professors Dylan Riley and Patricia Ahmed (UCLA alumni) and Professor Rebecca Jean Emigh (UCLA faculty) highlight the pitfalls of Trump administration’s current immigration and census policies, using…

UCLA Dream Resource Center Sponsors Hackathon
Community Partners, Faculty, Knowledge, Solutions, Staff, Students By Kent Wong Director, UCLA Labor Center The UCLA Labor Center’s Dream Resource Center (DRC), in partnership with Netflix employees and DREAMer’s Roadmap (a program to support undocumented student access to higher education), sponsored…