Recent posts that showcase the engagement of our students.

LA Social Science Summer Course Previews: African American Studies Courses in 2020
Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, StudentsAs summer 2020 approaches, LA Social Science will be highlighting some of the summer courses being offered within the Division of Social Sciences at UCLA. The UCLA Department of African American Studies has exciting courses planned for the…

LA Social Science Summer Course Previews: African American Studies Presents “Reproducing While Black”
Community Partners, Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, News, StudentsAs summer 2020 approaches, LA Social Science will be highlighting some of the summer courses being offered within the Division of Social Sciences at UCLA. The UCLA Department of African American Studies will be offering C191 - Variable Topics…

LA Social Science Summer Course Previews: Gender Studies Courses Offered in Sessions A and C
Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, News, StudentsAs summer 2020 approaches, LA Social Science will be highlighting some of the summer courses being offered within the Division of Social Sciences at UCLA. UCLA Gender Studies will be offering the courses listed below. Visit…

UCLA Economics Doctoral Student Selected to Attend the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings
News, StudentsDiana Van Patten, a UCLA Economics Department doctoral student, has been selected to participate in the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences, which will now take place in 2021. Ms. Van Patten was nominated to be part of this prestigious group…

LA Social Science Student Research Spotlight: Black Feminine Erotic Activism
Explore, Knowledge, StudentsDominique Rocker is finishing a Master of Arts in the Department of African American Studies at UCLA. Examining the writing and narrative resistance of Black Panther women in the 1970s, her work seeks to disrupt the prison industrial complex…

LA Social Science Presents “Conversations with Changemakers” Featuring Dr. Efrén Pérez (Video)
Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, Students As the Director of the UCLA Race, Ethnicity, Politics and Society (REPS) Lab, Dr. Efrén Pérez is facilitating cutting-edge research that examines how racial diversity impacts politics. One of his lab's current projects is an examination…

Pandemics Past and Present: One Hundred Years of California History
Challenges, Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, News, Students The UCLA Luskin Center for History and Policy (LCHP) has released their latest research report, titled Pandemics Past and Present: One Hundred Years of California History. Particularly timely in light of Los Angeles Times coverage on this…

Approaching Justice in Gender Equity Spaces
Challenges, Faculty, Knowledge, News, Students By Bryanna Ruiz and Amado Castillo, Latino Policy & Politics Initiative (LPPI) Public Policy Fellows The UCLA Center for the Study of Women held its 30th Annual Graduate Student Thinking Gender Conference in early March, in order…

Transnational Struggle, Survival, and Resistance: Exploring the Intersectionalities of Central American Migrants
Faculty, Knowledge, Students By Bryanna Ruiz and Amado Castillo, UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Initiative (LPPI) Fellows There are very few opportunities for scholars, academics, and students to congregate and hold events centering such issues as Central American…