Recent posts that document the contributions of our staff.

Advancing Data Equity for Latino Communities
Community Partners, Knowledge, News, Solutions, Staff In a step towards advancing data equity for underserved communities in California, UCLA LPPI participated in the virtual policy forum early this month, "We Count!: Data Equity for Latinx and Indigenous Communities in California." Organized…

Hispanics in Philanthropy Conference
Alumni, Challenges, Community Partners, Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, News, Solutions, Staff, StudentsUCLA LPPI Puts a Spotlight on Latino Representation at Hispanics in Philanthropy Conference Earlier this month, the UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute (UCLA LPPI) led two thought-provoking panels at the Hispanics in Philanthropy…

Racial Equity at Work w CA Senator Lola Smallwood-Cuevas (video)
Alumni, Challenges, Community Partners, Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, News, Solutions, Staff, Students CA State Senator Lola Smallwood-Cuevas takes us through some of the history, present, and future of UCLA Labor Center’s CARE at Work program and the LA Black Worker Center. Senator (and founder of the first Black Worker Center) Smallwood-Cuevas…

Who Should Pay? – w author Natasha Quadlin (video)
Alumni, Challenges, Community Partners, Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, News, Solutions, Staff, Students, Uncategorized In “Who Should Pay? Higher Education, Responsibility, and the Public” author Natasha Quadlin takes the reader through the changing opinions on student debt over the past couple of decades.
In this interview Dr. Quadlin discusses how…

UCLA LPPI Hosts 4th Annual Policy Briefing
Alumni, Challenges, Community Partners, Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, News, Solutions, Staff, Students, UncategorizedUCLA LPPI Hosts 4th Annual Policy Briefing
By Cesar Montoya Since the UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute launched, it has worked to ensure that Latino voices are front and center in policy discussions and that our state leaders…

Trash Talk: Anti-Obama Lore and Race in the 21st Century – Video
Challenges, Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, News, Solutions, Staff, Students "Trash Talk: Anti-Obama Lore and Race in the Twenty-First Century" explores the rumors, legends, and conspiracy theories surrounding Barack Obama since his initial run for President in 2004, and continuing to present day. We spoke with author…

LPPI Shines at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Conference
Alumni, Challenges, Community Partners, Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, News, Solutions, Staff, Studentsby Alise Brillault UCLA LPPI experts and policy fellows were well represented at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. on September 12-15, 2022. CHCI is a leading national organization…

Janitor-Parent Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Challenges, Community Partners, Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, News, Solutions, Staff, Students By Lucy González, Graduate Student Researcher; Sophia L. Ángeles, Graduate Student Researcher; Janna Shadduck-Hernández, Project Director, UCLA Labor Center There is no doubt the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on families.…

UCLA LPPI Stakeholders Reflect on Transition from ‘Initiative’ to Institute
Alumni, Challenges, Community Partners, Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, News, Solutions, Staff, Students "Latino Policy and Politics Institute Founding Executive Director Sonja Diaz, Center, with past and current institute staff and policy fellows. Photo by James Michael Juarez." The UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Initiative has officially…