Community Partners
Recent posts that review some of the ways in which we engage with our community partners.

Participating in PPIA Junior Summer Institute
Alumni, Community Partners, Explore, News, Students, UncategorizedFellow Enriched by Participating in PPIA Junior Summer Institute 2023 Four of UCLA LPPI’s current and incoming fellows attended the Public Policy and International Affairs Program 2023 Junior Summer Institute (JSI). Aimee Benitez Aguirre…

Advancing Data Equity for Latino Communities
Community Partners, Knowledge, News, Solutions, Staff In a step towards advancing data equity for underserved communities in California, UCLA LPPI participated in the virtual policy forum early this month, "We Count!: Data Equity for Latinx and Indigenous Communities in California." Organized…

I Testified for Affirmative Action
Challenges, Community Partners, Explore, Knowledge, News, Solutions, Students, UncategorizedI Testified for Affirmative Action, I’m Not Giving Up By Itzel Vasquez-Rodriguez My experience as a Harvard undergrad was enriched by my interactions and relationships with students from backgrounds different from my own.…

LPPI Graduation 2023
Alumni, Community Partners, Faculty, News, Students, UncategorizedUCLA Celebrates Another Year of Emerging Leaders By: Heidy Melchor & Arianah Rizzo UCLA LPPI Graduating Class of 2023: The atmosphere was electric as the UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute (UCLA LPPI) celebrated the…

Hispanics in Philanthropy Conference
Alumni, Challenges, Community Partners, Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, News, Solutions, Staff, StudentsUCLA LPPI Puts a Spotlight on Latino Representation at Hispanics in Philanthropy Conference Earlier this month, the UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute (UCLA LPPI) led two thought-provoking panels at the Hispanics in Philanthropy…

Racial Equity at Work w CA Senator Lola Smallwood-Cuevas (video)
Alumni, Challenges, Community Partners, Explore, Faculty, Knowledge, News, Solutions, Staff, Students CA State Senator Lola Smallwood-Cuevas takes us through some of the history, present, and future of UCLA Labor Center’s CARE at Work program and the LA Black Worker Center. Senator (and founder of the first Black Worker Center) Smallwood-Cuevas…