Daniel Zipp and Cory Mengual
Haines 279Please join the Political Sociology and the Global South Working Group for: Daniel Zipp (UCLA): "Confronting King Coal in China: The State, Capital, and Labor in a Dying Industry" and Cory Mengual (UCLA): "TBA
Please join the Political Sociology and the Global South Working Group for: Daniel Zipp (UCLA): "Confronting King Coal in China: The State, Capital, and Labor in a Dying Industry" and Cory Mengual (UCLA): "TBA
The Gender & Sexuality Working Group is pleased to invite you to our upcoming Fall Quarter event: Héctor Carillo (Professor of Sociology and Gender & Sexuality Studies, Northwestern University): "Pathways of Desire: The Sexual Migration of Mexican Gay Men" Co-Sponsored by the Center for the Study of International Migration